When you truly understand a concept, memorization naturally follows. Help kids try to understand the core of what they’re learning and build upon that, versus memorizing for each test and forgetting afterwards. This will also help them master the final exams. A question that probably lingers in the mind ofContinue Reading

The benefits of meditation are far-reaching, and researchers have already identified a number of patently positive effects that meditation can have on the human brain. So naturally, many of us wonder if improved memory is one of those fringe benefits. And the answer is… YES! A number of studies carried out byContinue Reading

Better results mean more choice and opportunity. So pick up a few new study tips, and prove your outstanding ability in your assignments and exams! 1. Don’t miss a class ‘A’ students never miss a class. They also never miss the beginning or end of a class, because important announcementsContinue Reading